(p'tet) journée ? Brest ac Mel et Marina ]]. En tt cas faut que je fasse mes dev's parce que sinon je ss bien ds la mouise..!! Mdr tt ? l'heure Mel me file un lien pr les masques qu'On pourra faire mardi soir lol trop trippant! ...
I suspect if bBrestal/b returns to his old ways they will pop back up stronger than ever. I think the zoning of the Ponds of Hobson West issue to high density is the kind of issue that drives this group crazy...insane is a better word! So I think the city council made a b....../b Just got back from a short bvacation/b. Spent all night reading this thread and found it very interesting, informative and above all noticed Joe mellowed down a bit. I agree and disagree with RJ's post: ...